
September 2023 Newsletter


Welcome to 2023

The new school year has started and it is more important than ever that we raise funds for the children at the school to give them the best school experience possible. With this in mind we are starting the year off with 2 events, one for the adults and one for everyone.

It has been a while since we sent out a newsletter so please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested and get them to sign up to our list if possible so that we reach everyone. Thank you for continuing to support the children and the school


Adult Race Night

On Friday 13th October we are running our first race night. This will be a professionally run event with a number of races where you guess which horse will win and you can win cash. Anyone who has been to one of these nights before can tell you how much fun they are!

We will be selling alcohol on the night and the event is open to anybody, not just school parents and guardians. Tickets are limited and are selling now so you can book via this link. So invite your friends and neighbours and come out for a fun night.

Wonka Bar Event

As today is Roald Dahl Day, we have launched our Wonka Bar event…

Full details: In conjunction with Roald Dahl day we are running a Wonka Bar event where you buy a large chocolate bar (one of the big bars, will be Cadbury’s or similar) and among the bars will be some golden tickets! Bars are £2 each – will you be lucky?

If you get a golden ticket in your bar then you have won a prize. There are some great chocolate related prizes as well as some fun school ones (more info to follow) but the top prize is a Kids Fire Tablet 8 worth £150!

We will be selling tickets for the chocolate bars in the mornings at school (see image below) so bring in your money then. (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week)
If you are unable to buy at school then you can buy via this link:

We anticipate the chocolate bars will be available for collection in the week commencing 25th September but check our Facebook Page for confirmation of the date.

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